Too many reasons to smile

Seeing the sun rise over Lebanon (the city, not the country, though it, too, might be beautiful)

Losing 3 pounds in 10 days after seeing no change or weight gain for months

Related to that, running 1.5 miles three times in 8 days. Feels good to be back on the horse.

Alphabet pasta. And finding our names in it.

“I’m an African.”

Seriously, where does she come up with this? I’m hoping we’re just raising a globally minded daughter.

Collecting leaves.

Fixing hot chocolate for my kids and watching them fish the marshmallows out with their hands.

Hearing Corban sing the theme song to “The Cat in Hat Knows A Lot About That.”

Bandaids fixing everything.

A “tea party” in the “tree house” of the seminary playground.

My own geekiness when an author whose book I’m reading approaches our dinner table and my subsequent disappointment that I didn’t get to shake his hand.

My inner boldness to approach said author at his book table afterward and shake his hand and tell him how much I’ve enjoyed reading it so far.

Great ideas. Mine and others’.


A clean kitchen. And the power of baking soda to clean the grease off counters and stovetops.

A picked-up living room. (It’s a short-lived smile, but I’ll take what I can get.)

Isabelle earning a mommy-daddy-daughter movie night for 5 more straight days of no potty accidents. (We’ll be watching “Beauty and the Beast.” I’ll try to refrain from quoting/singing the whole thing to her, but I failed miserably with “The Lion King” a week ago.

Hearing what’s on my husband’s heart and mind.